[Cyborg] emoki - ear covers for neurosky

Ted Prodromou tedpdream at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 00:39:25 UTC 2012

Yeah! They were selling these in a booth at Fanime (I think). I wasn't
there, but a friend of mine who is a furry picked up a pair. They're a lot
of fun!

My experiences with them:
-- Watching them on other people, they are really expressive and look like
they're signalling emotions. They did a good job on compelling animatronics
and poses.
-- Wearing them, it mostly felt like they were moving all the time, usually
-- I could, with some effort, make them do things by concentrating really
hard on something that would make me feel very calm or very angry.
-- They're surprisingly sturdy. I mean, I wouldn't play rugby in them, but
they seemed to do just fine while wearing around in semi-active social
-- The servos were a little noisy while you were wearing them.
-- Most people were excited about them because they were animated rabbit
ears. I was excited about them because they were brain sensors.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 5:01 PM, kristin neidlinger <kristin at sensoree.com>wrote:

> have you all seen this?
> emoki is a start up for the ear covers.
> crazy!
> http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/emoki/emoki-animal-ears-you-control-with-your-mind
> --
> sensoree.com
> @sensoree
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