[EEG] Open EEG show and tell at 1 year open house Noisebridge?

Kelly hurtstotouchfire at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 22:36:50 UTC 2009

Rubin was asking about whether the EEG people were going to do
anything for the upcoming party, and I thought I'd take this as an
opportunity to poke the list.

I know that someone (Mitch?) has gotten Open EEG working.  I think
that the cap remains in limbo--awaiting amplification.  I doubt we
could have anything together for the party that does anything.

However, I'm not above forcing some poor guy to wear the cap and
rainbow chestband and walking around with a sign that says "Amplify

I am crazy busy these days, and can't really provide social or
organizational leadership for the EEG group, but I'm officially a
professional EEG technician now, so if we get anything working, I can
do things with it.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Rubin Abdi <rubin at starset.net> wrote:
> Any chance there's anything the EEG group would like to show off?
> --
> Rubin Abdi
> rubin at starset.net

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