[EEG] Fwd: Use the Force...

Tracy Jacobs kinetical at comcast.net
Sat Jul 3 01:13:11 UTC 2010

Thought you guys might appreciate this low budget EEG project that my  
friend Camp saw recently:

> ,
> I saw something at the "Unofficial Propeller Expo West" last week in  
> Rocklin, Ca. (Parallax headquarters) that made me think of you...  
> someone had hacked a Star Wars "Force Trainer" http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Science-Force-Trainer/dp/B001UZHASY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1278114653&sr=8-1 
>  (which is basically a toy EEG) to display the information on a  
> video screen. It basically showed 3 columns... one was  
> "concentration", another "meditation" and I can't remember the 3rd  
> function but they programmed the propeller so it would graph the  
> various functions on the monitor. Enclosed find a photo... it was  
> actually pretty funny... this big guy with a kid's headband. He got  
> it for $20 on eBay because it was missing the ball.

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