.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>I heard back from my friend Aqua, who talked with the manufacturer for our laser. They can sell us a new power supply (which me comes in its own enclosure). But they can't sell us any PCBs. Sorry. <br><br>Best, <br>Mitch. <br><br>> Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 20:36:05 +0000<br>> From: organic_unity@yahoo.com<br>> To: organicunity@hotmail.com; adam@aperture.systems; noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net; maltman23@hotmail.com<br>> Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Moar Laser Cutter Infos<br>> <br>> I already posted a ton of pictures here:<br>> http://s18.photobucket.com/user/Segasonicfan/library/NB%20Hardware%20Class?sort=3&page=1<br>> as well as an image link to the PCB we need twice. If someone wants to resize them, that's all you need for the manufacturer. The model is MLE-40.<br>> Personally I think if they want 400 for it that we should just get the used MLE-40 I posted for sale here (its 1500 OBO). Too much is wrong with this unit still to justify dropping that kind of money.<br>> <br>> -Zach<br>> --------------------------------------------<br>> On Tue, 11/24/15, Mitch Altman <maltman23@hotmail.com> wrote:<br>> <br>> Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Moar Laser Cutter Infos<br>> To: "Zach R" <organicunity@hotmail.com>, "Adam Munich" <adam@aperture.systems>, "NoiseBridge Discuss" <noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net><br>> Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 6:15 AM<br>> <br>> If someone can send me<br>> (small-file-size) photos to identify our laser cutter to the<br>> Chinese manufacturer, then we may be able to get the boards<br>> for less, shipped direct from China.<br>> <br>> <br>> Best,<br>> <br>> Mitch.<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ----------------------------------------<br>> > From: organicunity@hotmail.com<br>> > To: adam@aperture.systems;<br>> noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> > Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 09:03:16 +0000<br>> > Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Moar<br>> Laser Cutter Infos<br>> ><br>> ><br>> Hey Adam,<br>> > Thanks so much for the reply.<br>> Goddamn that board is expensive - I'm not surprised it<br>> does more given all the ICs on it. Nuts, looks like we need<br>> to cough up $400 for that board then or get a new laser<br>> cutter :/ What a scam, I doubt that PCB costs>$25 to<br>> produce.<br>> > I second your thoughts on<br>> education. I've looked at your site as well as the<br>> manual and have been trying to learn more about the beast so<br>> that it gets taken care of properly.<br>> ><br>> > -Zach<br>> ><br>> ><br>> ________________________________________<br>> > From: noisebridge-discuss-bounces@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> <noisebridge-discuss-bounces@lists.noisebridge.net><br>> on behalf of Adam <adam@aperture.systems><br>> > Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 12:16<br>> AM<br>> > To: Noisebridge<br>> ><br>> Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Moar Laser Cutter<br>> Infos<br>> ><br>> > I have this<br>> model laser. It's on loan at sudo right now.<br>> ><br>> > The board isn't<br>> just a USB-Parallel converter. On my laser (R.3) the<br>> > board was a mixture of motor drivers, a<br>> few buffers and a CPLD doing<br>> > something<br>> somewhat intelligent. When it failed, I was able to have<br>> > full spectrum replace it with r.4 of their<br>> board for $400, which is<br>> > pretty<br>> identical, though they've done away with the DB25 port<br>> in favor<br>> > of direct to CPLD - USB.<br>> ><br>> > I have a guide on the<br>> use of these lasers here. http://hack.rit.edu/tools/fsl/<br>> ><br>> > I would not recommend<br>> hacked solutions over the FSL board, unless the<br>> > solution is well documented, on a<br>> dedicated computer, backed up, and<br>> ><br>> taught to a few NB chiefs. My time running RIT's<br>> hackerspace has<br>> > taught that lack of<br>> education is the #1 reason people don't use tools<br>> > like these, and when there's no one to<br>> teach, nothing will get done,<br>> > and that<br>> sometimes it really is better to just pay extra for<br>> > something that just works.<br>> ><br>> > -A<br>> > -^-^-^-^-^-<br>> > Adam<br>> Munich - Builder of wild things (and organizations)<br>> > Tel: +1-650-452-0554<br>> ><br>> > The key to mastering<br>> any skill is nothing more than passion and persistence.<br>> ><br>> ><br>> ><br>> On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 2:30 AM, Mitch Altman <maltman23@hotmail.com><br>> wrote:<br>> >> FYI: My friend Aqua<br>> (who's Chinese) called the company who actually makes<br>> the laser cutter (jnmydy.com is only a distributor), and<br>> they told her that they cannot sell us just the power<br>> Parallel to USB controller and main power motherboard PCBs<br>> separately, but they sell the "whole set" and some<br>> raw components. She will call be on Monday and find out how<br>> much the "whole set" costs.<br>> >><br>> >><br>> >> And, yeah, I'd still really like<br>> to get reimbursed for the laser tube I bought for<br>> Noisebridge for $237.37 last year.<br>> >><br>> >><br>> >> Best,<br>> >><br>> >> Mitch.<br>> >><br>> >><br>> >><br>> >><br>> >><br>> ________________________________<br>> >>> From: organicunity@hotmail.com<br>> >>> To: noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> >>> Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2015 02:29:14<br>> +0000<br>> >>> Subject: Re:<br>> [Noisebridge-discuss] Moar Laser Cutter Infos<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> So looking through the NB discuss<br>> list history (and talking to myself<br>> >>> more here) there are actually a<br>> few more things the Laser Cutter<br>> >>> needs. From what I understand<br>> there is:<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> 1)<br>> Parallel> USB controller board needed (waiting for word<br>> from the<br>> >>> people at Full<br>> Spectrum Laser and the shop in China for a price quote -<br>> >>> anyone received a reply?) Also,<br>> Henner says he might be able to hack<br>> >>> this with Arduino<br>> >>><br>> >>> 2)<br>> Water pump and one hose missing (according to Adam's<br>> email from the<br>> >>> Hackathon in<br>> July)<br>> >>><br>> >>> 3) Air Pump maybe (haven't<br>> checked to see if we have this)<br>> >>><br>> >>> 4)<br>> Calibration of mirrors and stuff (can someone volunteer to<br>> do this?<br>> >>> we have manuals for<br>> it, it's just tedious)<br>> >>><br>> >>> 5) Minor wiring and screws install<br>> work (I volunteer to do this)<br>> >>><br>> >>> 6) a<br>> Windows machine to run the software (I can donate one if<br>> needed)<br>> >>><br>> >>> 7) Install software and key (I<br>> guess Jerrod has this info?)<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> Just<br>> trying to document the steps needed in one place here for<br>> >>> everyone. Finally, we need to pay<br>> Mitch back for the $237 he spent on<br>> >>> the new tube. Below is an old<br>> email with details from the thread here<br>> >>> "Laser cutter repair<br>> bounty"<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> Adam:<br>> "I tried fixing it at the stupid shit hackathon but I<br>> could not<br>> >>> find the water pump<br>> and the other rubber hose. There is otherwise<br>> >>> everything you need to get the<br>> laser cutter running."<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> Mitch: "Zach -- please see the email from Henner,<br>> copied below, for a<br>> >>> list of<br>> things that needs to be done. And please see the Doodle sent<br>> by<br>> >>> Rubin, copied below, to pick<br>> a time to meet to fix the lasercutter.<br>> >>> Everyone -- I paid for the laser<br>> tube when I was in China. I would very<br>> >>> much love to be paid back for it.<br>> It cost me: Laser tube: $120.37<br>> >>><br>> shipping from Shenzhen to SF: $117.00 Total: $237.37 Would<br>> people be<br>> >>> kind enough to pitch<br>> in, and help collect for this? Thanks, Mitch."<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> -------------------------------------- From: organicunity@hotmail.com<br>> >>> To: noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015<br>> >>> 08:39:50<br>> +0000 Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Laser cutter<br>> repair<br>> >>> bounty .ExternalClass P<br>> { } I already offered to help with this....I<br>> >>> thought Adam (and someone else)<br>> got it fixed recently. If someone will<br>> >>> give me the low down on what needs<br>> to be done I'm happy to work on it.<br>> >>> and hey, throwing money (and<br>> burritos) at poor techs like me definitely<br>> >>> can get shit done! -Zach From:<br>> >>> noisebridge-discuss-bounces@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> on behalf of Rubin<br>> >>> Abdi Sent:<br>> Saturday, July 11, 2015 3:54 PM To: Henner Zeller Cc:<br>> James<br>> >>> Sundquist; NB Discuss<br>> Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Laser cutter<br>> >>> repair bounty Do you want to make<br>> the laser go? Fill out the fucking<br>> >>> Doodle... https://doodle.com/3rnzd5fy74kfwd9b On<br>> 11 July 2015 at 14:41,<br>> >>> Henner<br>> Zeller wrote: I'd rather you guys organize some time<br>> where<br>> >>> everyone who wants to<br>> help has time (get creative, there are some<br>> >>> online<br>> find-free-time-slots-for-a-couple of people online. @rubin<br>> was<br>> >>> using one of these<br>> recently). Money won't get things done, chip in an<br>> >>> hour of your work. _That_ would<br>> help more getting this done. I am happy<br>> >>> to help, but being alone working<br>> on that will take weeks of time here<br>> >>> and there. What needs to be done,<br>> and with a few people, that would be<br>> >>> doable in an afternoon. - check if<br>> we have the water pump and air pump<br>> >>> in working condition. If not, get<br>> new ones. - Get a bucket of 5 Gallons<br>> >>> of distilled water. - Connect the<br>> laser tube to the high voltage power<br>> >>> supply (as far as I know, the new<br>> tube is already in the cutter)000 -<br>> >>> calibrate things, mirrors and<br>> stuff. - make a free space in the corner<br>> >>> of Noisebridge next to the<br>> windows, now full of DJ gear. - Find a table<br>> >>> to put it on permanently. -<br>> Prepare an outlet in the window where we<br>> >>> can connect the blower pipe. - Get<br>> the software installed somewhere (I<br>> >>> think Jarrod has a license key<br>> somewhere and we need a windows<br>> >>><br>> machine). -h On 11 July 2015 at 14:31, jarrod hicks wrote: I<br>> too will<br>> >>> match that. On Jul 11,<br>> 2015 12:32 PM, "James Sundquist" wrote: I will<br>> >>> give $20 to anyone who has the<br>> laser cutter restored and calibrated at<br>> >>> nb. --- Sent from Boxer | http://getboxer.com<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> ________________________________<br>> >>> From: noisebridge-discuss-bounces@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> >>> <noisebridge-discuss-bounces@lists.noisebridge.net><br>> on behalf of Zach R<br>> >>> <organicunity@hotmail.com><br>> >>> Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015<br>> 5:54 PM<br>> >>> To: NB Discuss; Eric<br>> Michaud<br>> >>> Subject: Re:<br>> [Noisebridge-discuss] Moar Laser Cutter Infos<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> OK so I took the laser cutter Main<br>> PCB home last night and did some<br>> >>> work on it. I believe I got it all<br>> fixed up now, with the proper +5v<br>> >>> and +24v LEDs lighting up now - it<br>> should be working 100% ! :D<br>> >>><br>> >>> proof:<br>> >>><br>> >>> http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b134/Segasonicfan/NB%20Hardware%20Class/20151120_172957_zpskt9g4iww.jpg<br>> >>><br>> >>> http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b134/Segasonicfan/NB%20Hardware%20Class/20151120_172935_zpstz0a2oaj.jpg<br>> >>> <http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b134/Segasonicfan/NB%20Hardware%20Class/20151120_172957_zpskt9g4iww.jpg><br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> Now the only thing left (aside<br>> from me fixing some crappy wiring jobs,<br>> >>> installing the tube, and replacing<br>> screws and fuses) is the CONTROLLER<br>> >>> BOARD that handles Parallel><br>> USB. Here is a link to it again:<br>> >>><br>> >>> https://moderndevice.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/fse-controller-768x1024.jpg<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> Has anyone received a response<br>> from the manufacturer about this? Eric,<br>> >>> could you ask Full Spectrum Laser<br>> for the price cost for just this<br>> >>> board (I know they quoted $700 for<br>> both, but I have the larger one<br>> >>><br>> working now). LMK.<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> ________________________________<br>> >>> From: noisebridge-discuss-bounces@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> >>> <noisebridge-discuss-bounces@lists.noisebridge.net><br>> on behalf of Zach R<br>> >>> <organicunity@hotmail.com><br>> >>> Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2015<br>> 11:39 PM<br>> >>> To: NB Discuss<br>> >>> Subject: [Noisebridge-discuss]<br>> Moar Laser Cutter Infos<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> So I<br>> brought this up at the meeting tonight and then I did<br>> more<br>> >>> research. Found some more<br>> useful info.<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> model<br>> #: MLR-40<br>> >>><br>> >>> 40w Full Spectrum Laser<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> Manufacturer website: http://en.jnmydy.com/<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> And here are the pictures I<br>> took:<br>> >>><br>> >>> http://s18.photobucket.com/user/Segasonicfan/library/NB%20Hardware%20Class?sort=3&page=1<br>> >>><br>> >>> Here<br>> is the controller board we are missing:<br>> >>><br>> >>> https://moderndevice.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/fse-controller-768x1024.jpg<br>> >>><br>> >>> http://www.laserresale.com/?fa=app.view=5966<https://us-mg4.mail.yahoo.com/compose?to=gwen246%40gmail.com><br>> >>> https://moderndevice.com/news/full-spectrum-engineering-40w-hobby-laser/<br>> >>> http://wiki.lvl1.org/Full_Spectrum_Laser<br>> >>> http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=140518<br>> >>><br>> >>> https://fslaser.com/Manuals/FSL_40w_Hobby_Laser_Manual.pdf<br>> (manual)<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> There<br>> is a second hand one for $1500 we could raise money for.<br>> That<br>> >>> way we have this one for<br>> parts. That's one option.<br>> >>><br>> >>> Im<br>> going to try emailing the manufacture to see what<br>> replacement costs<br>> >>> would be.<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> >>> -Zach<br>> >>><br>> >>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Noisebridge-discuss<br>> >>> mailing<br>> list Noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> >>> https://www.noisebridge.net/mailman/listinfo/noisebridge-discuss<br>> >><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> >> Noisebridge-discuss mailing list<br>> >> Noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> >> https://www.noisebridge.net/mailman/listinfo/noisebridge-discuss<br>> ><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> > Noisebridge-discuss mailing list<br>> > Noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> > https://www.noisebridge.net/mailman/listinfo/noisebridge-discuss<br>> ><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> > Noisebridge-discuss mailing list<br>> > Noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> > https://www.noisebridge.net/mailman/listinfo/noisebridge-discuss<br>> <br>> <br>> _______________________________________________<br>> Noisebridge-discuss mailing list<br>> Noisebridge-discuss@lists.noisebridge.net<br>> https://www.noisebridge.net/mailman/listinfo/noisebridge-discuss<br> </div></body>