[Space] FWD: let's build a cool geo-aware robot - I'll visualize the crap out of the results we get

Ragi Burhum ragi at burhum.com
Fri Mar 26 23:07:41 UTC 2010

Someone on the main NB list told me I should forward my msg here
because I could find more ppl interested in this, so here it goes:


Hello NB,

Let me start by saying that I suck at electronics, but I am decent in other
areas related to software, particularly Geographic Information Systems.
 What I am looking for is someone (or some people) with patience - that
won't mind going through my electronics learning curve so we can build
something cool - for fun.

My vision is to grab this 3D globe me and some friends wrote which has some
cool relevant functionality (that's my old office in the youtube video by
the way)

and create some sort flying (or ground moving thing) that can stream data
back to the globe. video, GPS location, etc. Then we can mix some cool


or OpenCV

and have fun with it?

Anyone interested?
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