[Space] Rockets

James Mulroy james.d.mulroy at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 00:26:56 UTC 2011

Anyone interested in rockets should check out this email list that I told a
few of you about when I met you:
Main site: http://www.arocketry.net/
Terms you should learn: http://www.arocketry.net/faq.html

Also, for sugar rockets join this list:

At aRocket there are a lot of pros from around the industry, even some top
people will sometimes answer your questions.  At Sugpro it's mostly
amateurs, but many of them are "seasoned" and are well known.  aRocket is a
general email list, about anything and anyone.  Sometimes the conversations
get pretty complex and they can involve specifics in propulsion, avionics, 6
DOF coding, ITAR laws, etc.

There is also a black powder list, but it hasn't seen any action in a long

Finally, check out Tripoli.
They are the group which I fly with that provides insurance to rocketeers
around the world in case they poke their eye out.  They also host the worlds
largest amateur rocket launch in Blackrock, coming up soon!
Yes, I know, it has the worst possible name and url ever created, however,
it's officially called "Tripoli Rocketry Association National Experimental
People go there, camp out in the middle of the desert, and fly rockets.
 It's from Sept 30-Oct 2, and people show up a few days before that to help
out and setup.  I intend to go early and I'd be up for car pooling if anyone
here wants to go.


James Mulroy
Student Researcher
Freelance Writer <http://www.pcworld.com/author/James-Mulroy>
james.d.mulroy at gmail.com
(920) 470-3473
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