[Bio] [Noisebridge-discuss] Growing mushrooms

Rikke Rasmussen rikke.c.rasmussen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 23:26:21 UTC 2011

Hey there, mushroom lovers!

So, just in case any of you were trying to decide whether or not to go to
Noisebridge tonight, I wanted to let you all know that neither Roger nor I
will be there today - sorry for the short notice. Please feel free to stop
by and check on our babies anyway, though! There are still no signs of
contamination, and several of the blocks are starting to fruit, so the first
mushrooms should be ready to pick this weekend.

Next Wednesday, we'll be starting up another batch and a new experiment -
Mike Lyons has promised to get us 100 lbs of coffee grounds, so we'll be
testing those as substrate for some (if not all) of the remaining spawn.
We'll meet at 8pm as always, so come on by and let's make enough mushrooms
to feed all of Noisebridge + more.

Last but not least - huge thanks to those who helped build the humidity
chamber, and not least to Roger for buying the shelves! If anyone can afford
to chip in, I'm sure he wouldn't mind some reimbursement for the $100+ he's
put into the project so far - let's all help show him how much we appreciate
him and all his work!

See you all next week!

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