[Noisebridge-board] IRS 501(c)(3)application sent in!

Mitch Altman maltman23 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 30 00:34:22 UTC 2009

I was at Carol Gee's yesterday to sign all the forms, and they are now sent off to the IRS.  
Here's what we can now expect:
Carol says that after about 3 or 4 months we should be approved as "provisional".  We then have 5 years to prove ourselves as a public benefit, including getting a certain percentage of funds donated from outside the organization (with the donations coming from lots of individuals or businesses, and not just some big donors).
It is possible that the IRS will have some questions for us that we will need to answer within the 3 or 4 months.  It is also possible that whoever examins our application hates the word "hacker" (or something), and that will make it more difficult for us.  But Carol sez that this isn't likely.
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