[Build] jim can spray monday....

jim jim at well.com
Sun Sep 13 05:47:27 UTC 2009

   as a reminder, i was once a good paint 
sprayer. i can spray the place out. i can 
start monday, if things are ready (prep 
done, stuff masked, paint on location, 
requisite accessories (e.g. extra buckets, 
strainers...) and probably get the first 
coat on by the end of the day. 
   i figure one or two days to follow up 
the first coat (e.g. brush places that 
the sprayer didn't get, patch places that 
all of a sudden appear needing patches 
that no one noticed before the first coat 
went on...). 
   then probably the second (and final) 
coat on wednesday or thursday. 

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