[Cyborg] sparkfun free day

Eric Boyd mrericboyd at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 26 16:37:34 UTC 2010

Free day is Thursday January 13th, 2011

It's not as "free" as last year, you sort of have to work for it this 
time.  You can either:

1) Take $10 for each year you've been a sparkfun customer (year = full 
365 days).  For me that's since Nov 2008, so I would have $20 free here. 
  Most of their customers have similarly weak free credit via this 
method, since their growth has been exponential.

2) Win $10 for each "basic electronics question" that you answer, to a 
max of $100.  Their servers are likely to be utterly slammed, so I 
imagine answering questions is going to be rather painful, even if you 
know all the answers.

On the up side, they are giving away more money ($150k), and once you've 
locked in your free money, you have 60 days to spend it.  So my estimate 
is that a lot more people are going to get free money than last year, 
but the average free order is going to be much smaller. I think 
personally I'll just claim my $20 on the free day and order more parts 
the next time I need 'em...


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