[Cyborg] tron jacket tips?

Sean Cusack sean.p.cusack at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 17:43:12 UTC 2013

I learned that there is a better way to do it than EL stuffs :-). Check out
my instructable (it uses LEDs diffusing in a narrow space), and I swear I
talk a lot about attaching them:


That being said, if you really want to go after EL wire / panels the best
thing I can tell you is *bendy is bad*, so mod your patterns to dodge your
shoulders, elbows, knees, and waist. If you have to cross these areas, do
it with dark wires or widely space your stitches so the panels/wire can
come off the garment when you move. It will increase the longevity of your
outfit I promise.

Hope that helps!
On Apr 19, 2013 8:16 AM, "Eric Boyd" <mrericboyd at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hey, I want to make a tron jacket, for an upcoming party.  I have a tight
> fitting leather jacket (which ironically is actually a prop jacket from the
> remake of Robocop - got it at a recent inventory sale!), which has
> approximately the right shape and fit.  It's got epaulettes (which
> typically tron jackets don't), but it has the right collar, and the front
> pockets are not in the way of a good tron pattern.
> I'm looking for tips on how to actually make the jacket.  I'm planning to
> use EL-strip, and potentially some EL-wire as well.  I can see lots of
> images of Tron jackets on google image search, so the pattern is no
> problem, I'm looking for advice on how to attach the strip and wire to the
> jacket without destroying the jacket, or taking forever.  I found some
> tutorials online but you just know they didn't include the most important
> tip!  So, advice solicited, I know many of you have worked with EL wire and
> potentially EL panel clothing, what did you learn?
> Eric
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