[Darkroom] chemicals

Ben Rupert meowdip at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 22:59:45 UTC 2010

I hope to be around on Sunday afternoon, anyone else going to be there?
Kelly, we can go through chemicals together if you're around.  Also, is the
ventillation finished?  I have some 6" connectors in my car that can be used
to put together those pieces of flexible tubing if it's not done yet.


On Jul 23, 2010 3:49 PM, "Kelly" <hurtstotouchfire at gmail.com> wrote:

I used the darkroom on Wed night to make some cyanotype paper. It went
well, and I left some washed things on a towel to dry in there.

I also have the Kirilian film that Joachim, Josh and Jonathan and I
shot and I was going to try developing it, but we have kind of a
mishmash of developers and such.

I know a few people have been threatening to donate chemicals, which I
think would be a reasonable thing to do. We should probably also go
through them with someone a little more chem-savvy than I, and
determine if there are gaps which we should try to fill.


PS. Still need plumbing too...
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