[Darkroom] home darkroom ingredients?

Jasmine Strong modulararithmetic at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 01:06:33 UTC 2012

The plastic ones are *much* better for C41, since nickel (the major ingredient in stainless steel) catalyzes the breakdown of CD-4, the active ingredient in C41 developer.


On 2 Jul 2012, at 16:34, Asheem Linaval wrote:

> Looks pretty good.
> I second notion re: steel reels. Plastic reels also have the caveat of needing to be super dry to let the film slide freely as you load it.
> If you're going to be going through much film, it's worth it to buy film in 100 foot spools and use a bulk film loader and reloadable cartridges to wind your own. I've heard good things about plastic reloadable cartridges with screw-tops; I think they might hold up a bit better than standard ones with snap-ends.
> .atl
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Tristan Crane <tristancrane at gmail.com> wrote:
> Only thing I would change is to use metal reels, not plastic. They hold up better and allow you to feel your film as you spool on so there's fewer changes of film touching.
> -Tristan
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