[Darkroom] home darkroom ingredients?

Troy Holden troyholden at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 02:48:43 UTC 2012

One more question...

Can I use metal reels in a plastic tumbler? Will the below combo work?

   - Plastic tumbler:

   - 2 Reels:

Or do you suggest going ALL metal?

   - Metal tumbler:
   - 2 reels
   - Do I need a center column &
   for this setup?

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 7:13 PM, Troy Holden <troyholden at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks, all. Good points re: the metal reels.
> I've thought of rolling my own Arista 400 bw but am tackling the home
> darkroom setup first.
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Jasmine Strong <
> modulararithmetic at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The plastic ones are *much* better for C41, since nickel (the major
>> ingredient in stainless steel) catalyzes the breakdown of CD-4, the active
>> ingredient in C41 developer.
>> -J.
>> On 2 Jul 2012, at 16:34, Asheem Linaval wrote:
>> Looks pretty good.
>> I second notion re: steel reels. Plastic reels also have the caveat of
>> needing to be super dry to let the film slide freely as you load it.
>> If you're going to be going through much film, it's worth it to buy film
>> in 100 foot spools and use a bulk film loader and reloadable cartridges to
>> wind your own. I've heard good things about plastic reloadable cartridges
>> with screw-tops; I think they might hold up a bit better than standard ones
>> with snap-ends.
>> .atl
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Tristan Crane <tristancrane at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Only thing I would change is to use metal reels, not plastic. They hold
>>> up better and allow you to feel your film as you spool on so there's fewer
>>> changes of film touching.
>>> -Tristan
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> troyholden.com | @troyholden <http://twitter.com/troyholden>

troyholden.com | @troyholden <http://twitter.com/troyholden>
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