[Darkroom] Donations to the darkroom, bulk film.

Rubin Abdi rubin at starset.net
Tue Oct 2 22:04:33 UTC 2012

A friend's dad was clearing out his garage and pulled out some old
darkroom stuff. Mostly print related, lots of trays, tongs, old timers,
some really old chemicals, enlarger filters up the butt. I've put these
away in the darkroom in spots that seemed appropriate. Didn't have time
to clean the trays, they're sitting on the counter.

Thanks to all who've donated for film use. I've removed $10 from the
fridge to help cover the film I bought a while ago. The next time I'm by
and have time I'll load up one of the bulk film loaders with the new B&W
stuff I had bought.

If you'd like some cheap black and white film, I'm more than happy to
show you how to bulk load some whenever I'm around. Donates of $0 - $5
are appreciated ($1 is a pretty good unit).

rubin at starset.net

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