[Dril] the DRIL mailing list!!!!

Alison Macrina alison at libraryfreedomproject.org
Tue Jul 14 17:09:47 UTC 2015

Hi everyone! Welcome to the DRIL listserv, and thanks for joining.

I'm excited about using this listserv to work on future actions
together. As I said in the last email, here are some appropriate uses
for this listserv:

-coordinating trainings
-pairing libraries and technologists to solve library tech problems
-promoting events of relevant interest to DRIL attendees
-(I just added this one!) finding librarian beta testers for your Cool
New Thing

...and so on of that nature.

And here are some bad uses for this listserv:

-personal convos
-sending email after email with a single link to a news article

You get the idea! I anticipate this being pretty low volume. Let's do
some cool work together!

Here, I will start: I'm doing a privacy workshop for librarians at the
Cherry Hill Public Library in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, on July 24th,
with a privacy attorney from the ACLU of NJ. Right after that (late
afternoon), I'm teaching a privacy class that's open to the public. If
you're in the area, come on down! Or tell yr Philadelphia friends (it's
just over the bridge).

Speaking of telling your friends (librarians and technologists alike) --
if they want to join this listserv, tell them to get in touch with me!
This will work better if more of us are involved.

And if you haven't yet seen our event recap, check it out here:

That Storify contains links to our presenters slides and other
resources. Good times!

Glad to keep this convo going.

xo Alison

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