[formal-methods] Conceptual Mathematics, I.1.6

Josh Myer josh at joshisanerd.com
Sun Jun 14 06:19:50 UTC 2009

(Warning, contains spoilers!  I've talked about this with nigh on half
the list, so it was time to just continue the discussion there.)

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 07:11:51PM -0700, Jason Dusek wrote:

>     sum with `c` ranging from 0 to `|A|` of:
>       (|A| choose c) * (c ^ (|A| - c))

That's exactly where I got, and where I realized "Hot damn, that's a
lot of entries, and it's one ugly-assed formula."

Another way to explain how to get there (more intuitive, less
rigorous and iron-clad):

Identity is clearly one f : A -> A s.t. f.f=f, but what about f(a)=1,
1 some element of A?  In this case, f(a) = 1, and f(1) = 1, so
  f(f(a)) = f(1) = 1 = f(a)

Can we generalize it?  Yes we can!
  f(c) = c, for all c in the codomain of f

So, then, for some f(a) = c_a, and since c_a is in the codomain, 
  f(f(a)) = f(c_a) = c_a

Therefore, we ensure that f(c) = c forall c in the codomain.  For
codomains of size k (where k is in {1,...,|A|}), there are |A| choose
k ways to pick a codomain.  Once we've chosen the codomain, the map
for them is frozen: f(c) = c for all of them.  But, for the rest of
the domain, we have free choice of a map, so long as it goes to the
codomain.  There are (|A|-k) elements left in the domain, each of
which can go to one of k entries in the codomain.  That is,
k*k*k*k..., or k^(|A|-k) Thus, we get

  For all k in {1...|A|}, 
     choose a codomain
       then choose the fixed codomain mapping
         then choose the rest of the map
Mathematically, we then get

  \sum k 1 to |A| nCr(|A|,k)*1*(k^(|A|-k))

as our final tally of maps.

mik sent me a good reply pointing at the right questions, instead of
directly answering.  He made explicit that I could share with the list
if it was helpful, and I believe it is; I'll go ahead and forward it
as well.
Josh Myer   650.248.3796
  josh at joshisanerd.com

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