[Longitude] work on Longitude (or something else) @ aaronsw hackathon?

Yan Zhu yan at mit.edu
Tue Sep 24 18:32:36 UTC 2013

Hey Longituders,

As most of you probably have figured out, I'm co-ordinating the Aaron
Swartz Memorial Hackathon #2 at Noisebridge as part of a worldwide series,
Nov 8-10 (http://aaronswartzhackathon.org/).

Is anyone interested in leading a group to hack on Longitude? I figure it's
related to the general themes of the hackathon in the sense that it aims to
provide a much-desired web service while giving users the maximal amount of
privacy and control over their data.

Also, if you want to give a talk about yet another one of your 3949393
open-source side projects and perhaps (hopefully) even recruit people to
help get it done, you are highly encouraged to do so.


Yan Zhu
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