[ml] [Noisebridge-discuss] this week: fun with R?

Mike Schachter mike at mindmech.com
Tue Apr 26 04:31:30 UTC 2011

Hey Brian, would be happy to hear what you think of the
paper, could you re-post a link to which one you're referring
to? Thanks!

I'm no expert on measure theory, but know enough to fake it...
so maybe we can figure it out together.


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Brian Morris <cymraegish at gmail.com> wrote:
> I could maybe talk for a short while (15 or 20 minutes ?) about the paper I
> read a few weeks ago which someone one on the list helped me to get. About
> reasoning with uncertainty. I have a few technical questions about
> probability spaces and measures maybe you could help me refresh my memory
> over, I can give motivation and a synopsis of the paper. It seems pretty
> fundamental to me perhaps you can relate it to your course, its about
> conditional probabilities and their relation to logics and machine
> reasoning.
> I would just do at the white board, no time to make slides. The paper is
> really short (but pretty dense) so if people want details they can read it.
> Brian
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Mike Schachter <mike at mindmech.com> wrote:
>> Does anyone want to present something this week or have
>> a specific thing they'd like to talk about? If not, how about
>> we just meet up and mess around with R? I'd like to get
>> random forests going with some example code:
>> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/randomForest/index.html
>>  mike
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