[Noisebridge-announce] Rails class 8/27: Ruby Level 2: Blocks, Exceptions, and A Simple Webpage Scraper

Sameer Siruguri sameer at railsschool.org
Wed Aug 21 03:27:03 UTC 2013

Hi, Noisebridge! We added a new class at  7pm on August 27, 2013

Ruby Level 2: Blocks, Exceptions, and A Simple Webpage Scraper

This class is a followup to the introductory Ruby programming language course taught at Rails School. It will cover the basics of what blocks are, how errors are handled in Ruby, and exhibit some of these concepts in a simple webpage scraper.

In Level 2: Blocks, Exceptions and a Webpage Scraper, we will cover the following topics. This class assumes that:

+ you have attended the introductory class during [RailsSchool Ruby Catchup Level I] (http://www.railsschool.org/l/catch-up-day-ruby-beginners-class-level-1-aug-13), or are familiar with the level of ideas presented in lessons 1 through 3 of [the intro class materials](https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B4fq7EmVPd1WalQ5SFZBbnlCS0k) and [the code] (https://github.com/siruguri/railsschool-catchup-ruby) that was presented.
+ You have a Ruby interpreter (for example, `ruby` and `irb`) loaded on your computer.

Feel free to [read ahead] (https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B4fq7EmVPd1WalQ5SFZBbnlCS0k) - we will cover the material in lessons 4 through 6 in the folder above.

+ Blocks
 + How are blocks defined?
 + Typical usage of blocks
 + Relationship between Blocks and Methods
+ Exceptions
 + How Ruby represents errors
 + Syntax for specifying error handlers - rescue and ensure clauses 
 + Common types of errors
 + The error hierarchy
+ A Simple Webpage Scraper
 + Downloading webpages: using OpenURI
 + Webpage structure: reading HTML
 + Finding a tag: using regular expressions
 + Putting it all together

RSVP here: http://www.railsschool.org/l/ruby-level-2-blocks-exceptions-and-writing-a-webpage-scraper-aug-27
May The Force Be With You!

Best regards,
Rails School, http://www.railsschool.org

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