[Noisebridge-discuss] Fleas @83c?

Martin Bogomolni martinbogo at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 16:15:57 UTC 2009

Look, the _reason_ I brought it up in the first place is that I'm
allergic to fleabites.  When I left the space yesterday, I had a
number of small welts from bites develop on my legs and ankles.   The
source of fleas doesn't need to be an animal in the space, but could
be brought in from elsewhere where an infestation already exists.  The
eggs/pupae can remain dormant for nine months, and emerge when there
have been a few warm days, etc.

I know the tendency is to joke and be a bit comedic, but it's a very
serious topic with me due to the allergy.   It's important if anyone
else notices bites if the source turns out to be somewhere in the
space, because it takes some effort to eradicate them.

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