[Noisebridge-discuss] Spaces and tradeoffs (was Re: viewing report: 50 Juniper)

Andy Isaacson adi at hexapodia.org
Fri Jul 24 00:04:16 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 04:46:17PM -0700, William Mallard wrote:
> Crutcher Dunnavant wrote:
> >I am not as much of a fan of Clementina. I'd prefer something not out
> >in the desert of soma.
> I don't imagine there are many warehouses zoned for light industrial
> use that are *not* located in deserted parts of town.

Oh, they exist.  They're mostly occupied by existing residential (either
legit live-work or under-the-table) users.  There are 5 I can think of
within 3 blocks of 16th/mission.  We missed out on one on Rondel that
came open in May -- just before we started our space search in earnest.

> And if you add the constraint that the new location should be easily
> accessible by public transit, then i think we're left with soma.

We were already constrained to the 5 core SF BART stations, basically
(Mont-Powell-Civic-16th-24th).  There's plenty of smallish warehouse
space in various parts of the Mission.  It's highly desirable space for
a certain population -- burners and suchlike -- and that population is
less economically sensitive than businesses.

I'd love to find a nice 5ksf warehouse in the mission for $0.75 with ADA
bathrooms and a shower and an elevator and sprinklers and permitted
electrical and an onsite taqueria and Blue Bottle barista.

I am pretty sure we'll be waiting for the *next* recession if we hold
out for all of that.  We're going to have to decide what trade-offs
we're willing to make.

In my opinion, 410 Clementina satisfies nearly all of our requirements
except being in the mission.  Is that close enough?  I think so, but I
respect the voices that are expressing concern.  I just ask that people
voice their concerns with respect for reality and the give-and-take that
MUST be a part of our decisionmaking process.

-andy (personally, I'm holding out for a gold-plated pony.)

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