[Noisebridge-discuss] more bh/dc-ish waiting

d p chang weasel at meer.net
Tue Jul 7 22:34:32 UTC 2009

Ian <ian at slumbrparty.com> writes:

> it could be this one. i'm just guessing.
> http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/32319/info

hmmm... that's an information leak (although updated recently). maybe
i'm not 'security guy' enough, but i think that means that ssh was
'giving away' information going over an already setup connection.

the little log in the sans thing made it look like a remote access/hole

  anti-sec:~/pwn/xpl# ./0pen0wn -h xx.yy.143.133 -p 22
... deletia ...
  sh-3.2# id
  uid=0(root) gid=0(root)

which is what piqued my curiosity (although probably not all of

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the difference between things which are alike. - Madame de Staƫl

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