[Noisebridge-discuss] Looking for full-time and/or contract systems administration work, available immediately
Christoph Maier
cm.hardware.software.elsewhere at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 01:27:49 UTC 2009
On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 16:00 -0700, Rodney Thayer wrote:
> Christoph Maier wrote:
> > On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 12:01 -0700, Alex Perez wrote:
> > [...]
> >> I figured using NB-discuss to network a bit wouldn't be inappropriate,
> >> but if you feel it is, I would kindly ask you to tell me privately,
> >> lest we begin Ye Olde Flamewar #42
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Alex Perez
> >
> > This topic looks like something that could be discussed in a separate
> > forum
> > ... maybe you should call it "Pope Michael's Corner" or some such.
> I wouldn't want to see a million help-wanted emails but I didn't
> want to see a million emails about spilled mercury either. In my
> opinon the general concept of discussing work-seeking is an appropriate
> topic.
> And by the way, this is a really rough list. You people snap at
> anything. It's a good dis-incentive to participate (and a bad way
> to motivate people to donate to moving funds, etc...) It's 2009, folks,
> research some list etiquette.
Are horrible puns ok?
Even if they are more obscure than intended because the Pope isn't on
noisebridge-discuss yet?
-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Michael Pope <mpope at captainrecruiter.com>
> To: Praveen Sinha <dmhomee at gmail.com>
> Cc: Christoph Maier <cm.hardware.software.elsewhere at gmail.com>,
> NoiseBridge Discuss <noisebridge-discuss at lists.noisebridge.net>
> Subject: Re: [Noisebridge-discuss] Looking for full-time and/or
> contract systems administration work, available immediately
> Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 14:56:07 -0700
> Given that I'm a recruiter and budding Noisebridger, I'll make a
> standing offer to the group... If anyone wishes me to keep an eye out
> for them, feel free to contact me directly. I'm around Noisebridge
> quite a bit, and we can set up a time to talk one on one (and of
> course I'll let you know about any opportunities that I am aware of.
> To talk geeky I'll compare myself to an Ethernet switch. What you
> want to do is send your resume (aka network traffic) to the recruiter
> (aka the switch). When you send you network traffic to the mailing
> list (aka a plain ol' hub), it slows everyone down.
> The way I roll...
> * I will never directly try to recruit anyone from Noisebridge in a
> traditional, make me lots of money sort of way.
> * I will start building up a list of available people so that
> prospective employers can have some sort of crude database that will
> be 100% opt in and moderated (aka you'll always be asked permission
> before anyone gets access to your personal information).
> * No recruiter, including me, should ever ask you or charge you money
> in any way (unless you're the hiring entity of course.
> The Resume Workshop, Friday at 3:
> * We're having a mid-afternoon session to help Noisebridgers dust off
> or write from scratch a good resume. It's not a miracle pill, but we
> can figure out where people are struggling and help the best we can.
> https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Resume_Worskhop
> Cheers,
> Michael Pope
> +1 415.264.5223
> mpope at captainrecruiter.com
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