[Noisebridge-discuss] Another try at a Ruby group...
Jonathan Lassoff
jof at thejof.com
Sun Jul 26 07:10:21 UTC 2009
Excerpts from Jason Dusek's message of Sat Jul 25 23:39:31 -0700 2009:
> How do folks feel about Ruby study session and work group on
> Fridays, from 13:00 to 15:00? Naturally this timing is most
> convenient for the unemployed; classes for the unemployed
> strike me as a good idea, though.
> I expect this class to be multi-level. New students would
> start on implementing UNIX utilities:
> . First `cat` and then `wc`.
> . Then `grep`.
> . Finally, `nc`.
> Folks with more focused interests would naturally work on the
> projects that interest them; new students who pass through the
> UNIX utilities course could move into a course on writing web
> services.
> Please let me know if you are interested in attending this
> group at this time. We can have another group at another time,
> too.
Sounds great to me. Of course the timing is a little off for me, though
I suspect I might be able to make a meeting here and there.
I like the idea of making examples by implementing simple utilities.
Here's one simple solution (no features) for /bin/cat I made just now.
First, for normal reading:
ARGV.each do |arg|
if arg == "-" then
$stdout.write open(arg).read
And then, purely for the LOLs and hax:
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