[Noisebridge-discuss] gyB_C: temp hacker space party Tonight

munkeyfreenix batcat munkeyfreenix.batcat at gmail.com
Sun May 17 19:11:39 UTC 2009

Just a reminder that this is tonight at Godspeed in Oakland (56th and San
Pablo). Starting at 7.

Its slated to start at 7, and I'm allegedly doing a workshop of DSP and
sound synthesis using pure data. Bring a laptop and install puredata
beforehand if you're interested. (http://puredata.info). then there will be
music and drinks as well.

bring projects to work on, and we'll have a gear check. this is not another
night at the bar.

there is no cover, although we'll be taking donations to keep this going and
make it better in the future.

Definitely come out even if you don't have a project to work on. Buy some
drinks and support Godspeed as they are being extremely gracious hosts for
our little temp hack space.

godspeed you black cats,
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