[Noisebridge-discuss] balug tonight in chinatown: mark terranova on new features in Ubuntu 9.10

jim jim at well.com
Tue Nov 17 17:25:04 UTC 2009

   balug meets tonight at the four seas restaurant 
in san francisco's chinatown. the speaker is mark 
terranova talking about what's new in ubuntu 9.10 
("karmic koala"). 
   there are a few drastic changes in ubuntu 9.10 
that include GRUB 2, among others, which now has 
modules (like the kernel) that enable extended 
capabilities such as booting from an LVM volume, 
among other things (seems like GRUB 2 deserves a 
talk in itself). 

   people start gathering in the Four Seas bar 
area around 6:30; dinner is at 7:00; the talk 
begins around 8:00 and goes till 9:00 or so. 
dinner is $13 each for family style dinner. you 
can show up at 8:00 for the talk in the upstairs 
banquet room. 
   if you know you'll be attending, please rsvp: 
rsvp at balug.org

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