[Noisebridge-discuss] meeting notes for 2009-11-24

Jacob Appelbaum jacob at appelbaum.net
Wed Nov 25 06:02:28 UTC 2009

Danny O'Brien wrote:
> = Crew =
> Moderator: John Magolske
> Note-Taker: Danny O'Brien
> Attendee Count: 25ish
> Officers: Rachel, Mitch
> I volunteered to take the meetynge notes in the style of a 17th
> century essayist.
> So up, and to Noisebridge, where I did attend the meetynge of the
> week, and was so pressganged there into beynge a recordist, and did
> solemnly type this at that time into my computationeristic automaton.

I do hope that you have set a precedent for all future note takers. I
very much enjoyed your work and look forward to future issues of
NTK^H^H^H Noisebridge meeting notes. :-)


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