[Noisebridge-discuss] We got that goddamned mill to work

Jonathan Foote jtfoote at ieee.org
Tue Oct 6 18:23:21 UTC 2009

The CNC mill works! Yay. Kudos to Mike Wright who did the majority of
the config file wrangling and donated a host PC!

It's not quite ready for prime time, in particular we need to hook up
the limit switches so it's a little harder for it to destroy itself,
but the toolchain has been proved by drawing the Noisebridge logo with
a pen stuck in the spindle. We also still need to work out feed rates
and probably a lot of other details.

If you are interested in using it, you might read up on the software
and Gcode on the wiki https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/MaxNCMill (I
was pleased to find a way to generate gcode from EagleCAD circuit

Jonathan Moore suggests users get their own cutting tools. This is a
good idea as you have some skin in the game, and tools are easily
ruined by cutting the wrong kind of stuff (metal will break carbide,
PCBs will dull steel, etc.).  Links to PCB carbide tools on the wiki.

Anyway, this is exciting: I thank people in advance for being patient
while we get the process worked out.

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