[Noisebridge-discuss] Noisebridge Angels

Bill Pollock bill at nostarch.com
Sun Oct 18 05:59:27 UTC 2009

For those who have been to a CCC Camp, you must remember the role of the Engels.

Engels are volunteers who basically help to police a camp. If an Engel tells you to do something, you do it. Engels have the power. 

But the Engels aren't nasty unless they need to be. (They are angels after all.) You listen to the Engels because that's part of the Camp's social contract and you don't want to meet god, or whomever. And the Camps work remarkably well.   

So I'd like to suggest that NB consider giving people rotating roles as Engels. And these Angela should wear some sort of badge, like at the CCC, so that they don't have to fight to be heard.  

I see real risk to NB as the community grows if things like cleaning and clutter and crap aren't brought under control. People will continue to get pissed and longtime members who have put a lot of time and effort into growing or actually building the physical space will begin to just check out. 

Noisebridge is a fantastic place. It's very important to everyone that it survive and that the NB adventure continue. 

Sent from my mobile. 

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