[Noisebridge-discuss] Sex Unconference

Jason Damisch jasondamisch at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 26 05:03:09 UTC 2009

Calling me a motherfucker does not make me feel any less uneasy 
about kink.  It does nothing to ease my concerns that this 
civilization is aggressive, and that aggressiveness is reflected
in everything which it touches, including sexuality. 

Exploring the combination of sex and technology may be an 
interesting path to explore through transhumanism.  So 
might a society who has opted to completely eliminate
sexuality and who reproduces exclusively through cloning.  
Also, there are probably extraterrestrial species who
feel different about sexuality than we do, as well as
species who are asexual.

I'm glad that everybody can find what they want in this town.

> Arse Elektronika motherfucker, have you
> heard of it?

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