[Noisebridge-discuss] tips on dealing with schizophreniform sufferers

aestetix aestetix aestetix at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 23:24:06 UTC 2010

I really appreciate the "how to deal" guide. I finally met/spoke with Erin
last night. The problem is that she's utterly brilliant, and has studied a
lot of the same things a lot of Noisebridgers have. She just has a very
intense energy about it, and can be hard to understand. I heard her mention
something about 'feud between Whitehead and Russell for the Philadelphia
Experiment" or something which kind of made sense, but launched into a few
logic jumps that were beyond me.

I don't think she's actually harmful at all to anyone, she just has a very
unorthodox way of communication, and seems to have serious trouble
connecting with the outside world. I can see how people would get very
annoyed by this, very quickly. To that end, I'm really happy several people
from the Noisebridge community (like Kelly) are taking the effort to make
sure Erin is cared for properly.

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Quinn Norton <quinn at quinnnorton.com> wrote:

> On Aug 12, 2010, at 5:24 PM, travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org<travis%2Bml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org>wrote:
> > BTW, there's no such thing as unipolar mania, so expect a depressive
> > episode.  Downers like benzodiazapenes are handy during mania, but
> > *really* bad during depression.  Lithium is the preferred treatment
> > since it works for both (in different ways), but some people tell me
> > it's awful.
> >
> > I feel bad talking about the gal before meeting her, and kinda behind
> > her back, but it's probably a good thing for people to at least know
> > what the deal is in case things get unexpectedly weird.
> Technically we're not talking behind Erin's back. She's on the list.
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