[Noisebridge-discuss] SYZYGRYD needs YOU! Help create 2.5 ton fire-breathing sound art! [FWD this & help spread the word!]

Aaron Muszalski sfslim at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 01:36:51 UTC 2010

Have some spare time? Looking for something interesting to do? Want to learn
new skills, meet new people, or just have a hand in the creation of
something truly amazing?

[image: syzygryd-main-image.jpg]

SYZYGRYD (pronounced SIZZ-ee-grid) is a 2.5 ton, 60' wide fire-breathing
musical instrument, a one-of-a-kind interactive sculpture that will debut at
this year's Burning Man festival, and currently under final construction at
Oakland's NIMBY space, a DIY industrial arts workshop. This is our FINAL
WEEK of Bay Area construction - We ship out to the Black Rock Desert next
Saturday, the 21st. For more about SYZYGRYD, check out our website at

SYZYGRYD is entirely volunteer-created, and WE WELCOME NEWCOMERS, REGARDLESS
OF SKILL LEVEL or experience. All that is needed is a little free time, a
fun attitude and a willingness to learn. We're happy to teach you what
you'll need to know, from riveting to soldering to metalwork, painting,
light carpentry, and more. Nor do you need to be going to Burning Man (nor
even, for that matter, a "burner"). Although SYZYGRYD will debut at Burning
Man, it will have a long life outside of that event, and will be exhibited
both locally in the Bay Area and internationally, and our team reflects this

SYZYGRYD is also a NO GUILT ZONE - Whether you can help for twenty minutes
or twenty hours, we will be deeply grateful for your presence and will never
pressure anyone into putting in more than they're able. WE DO THIS TO HAVE
FUN. The well-being of our volunteers is a responsibility we take very
seriously. We do this because we LOVE it, and that is the experience that we
want to share with you, the incomparable feeling of collaborating on LARGE

TRULY, there's nothing like contributing to such a project, from the
camaraderie to the pride of ownership - of walking up to a massive,
technically complex, aesthetically amazing THING, and being able to say "I
helped MAKE this." It's something I encourage everyone to try at least once.
Doubly so if you attend Burning Man; contributing to a project is the single
best way to deepen your perspective of the event, and diversify your social
circle. And the more people you know out there (and who know you) the richer
and more rewarding your experience on the playa will be. GUARANTEED.

So COME BY NIMBY and join in the fun. Best to wear grubby clothes and
full-coverage footwear. We will provide all tools and any appropriate
safety. Still not sure if this is for you? We encourage you to at least
visit the workshop, meet our team, and have a look around. If nothing else,
you'll get a glimpse into how large interactive artwork happens. (Hint: it's
made by people like you!)

8410 Amelia Street
Oakland, CA 94621

Build days run from NOON-MIDNIGHT(+) on FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY and from
7-MIDNIGHT(+) on weekdays. There's also usually stuff going on outside of
these hours as well - if you'd like to come by, just shoot us an email:
volunteers at syzygryd.com Additional volunteer info can be found online at

We're looking forward to meeting you! Writing on behalf of the entire
SYZYGRYD team and extended volunteer community,
- Slim


[image: 4812918951_c68efa0b0a.jpg]

ps. Going to Burning Man? SYZYGYRD is also seeking volunteers to help with
on-playa setup and tear-down. Email volunteers at syzygryd.com, or just come
find us on the playa! Sculpture will be located at approximately 1/3-1/2 way
between the Esplanade and the Man, on the 7:30 axis.
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