[Noisebridge-discuss] Noisebridge has been cited on a brazilian magazine

Felipe Sanches juca at members.fsf.org
Sun Aug 22 22:44:10 UTC 2010


The snippet you can see in the image link above contains the following
text (originally published in brazilian portuguese):

A hackerspace in Brazil?

Hackerspaces are spaces with "electronic components, soldering guns,
multimeters, power supplies, oscilloscopes" and other gadgets for
technologic projects, states Felipe Sanches, software developer and
one of the creators of HackerspaceSP. Inspiration comes from centers
like Noisebridge [photo], in the United States, focused in creation
and modification of programs and machines. In Brazil, it's all only an
idea, but the group, found at http://hackerspace.ning.com, considers
having its headquarters at Casa de Cultura Digital [House of Digital
Culture], in São Paulo.

The magazine that published it is a very famous IT magazine in Brazil,
"INFO EXAME", owned by "Grupo Abril", a highly influential local media

Felipe Sanches

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