[Noisebridge-discuss] Club Mate sale at Noisebridge!

aestetix aestetix aestetix at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 22:28:21 UTC 2010

One other thing. This is a great drink to use to help motivate your Burning
Man art project you're still working on. If you have a big group working on
some last minute stuff, get a case or two for them and Nick will post a link
to the project's website on the HoaP website and twitter account.

On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 3:20 PM, aestetix aestetix <aestetix at gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for posting this, Mitch!
> In addition, we're trying to help Nick sell as many Club Mate cases in the
> next day as possible. If we can prove there's enough interest, then we might
> be able to get much more Club Mate out here on a regular basis. If we sell
> 40 cases, not only will he bring it out here, but he'll use it to host a
> fundraiser party at Noisebridge where you can come, support the community,
> hang out with friends, and enjoy a great drink.
> There will be games, recipes, Club Mate cooking, and other creative things,
> but only if we sell those cases right now, as fast as possible. We'r'e lucky
> enough to be a test market, so let's prove that we know how to have fun!
> aestetix
> On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Mitch Altman <maltman23 at hotmail.com>wrote:
>>  Nick Farr is importing Club Mate to the US, and is organizing a Club Mate
>> sale day at Noisebridge.
>> The Clube Mate sale date is 22-August, Sunday.
>> For those that don't know of Club Mate, it is the most popular energy
>> drink amongst European hackers.  With an official tag-line of:
>>      "One Gets Used To It"
>> Who can resist?
>> We've had Club Mate at Noisebridge before, but after trucking it to a
>> boat, and then trucking it from New York to San Francisco, it was quite
>> pricey.  Nick wants to generate enough interest to bring an entire container
>> of the stuff to the US, which will bring the price way down.  But, for now,
>> he's seeing what interest there is.  And he's selling cases of it (24
>> bottles) for $62.76.
>> Any interest?  Please check out this website for details and to pre-order:
>> http://www.hackersonaplane.info/for-sfo-only/
>> *Nick Farr is a "Johny Appleseed" of hackerspaces.  He started HacDC in
>> Washington, DC.*
>> Mitch.
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