[Noisebridge-discuss] packet radio arduino shield

Josh Myer josh at joshisanerd.com
Wed Aug 11 21:48:46 UTC 2010

Not with the shield, but with the OpenTracker+.  His designs are pretty
good, but they're kind of a pain to work with.  The Radio Shield looks
better, but it's still not quite hackable enough for me.

This is why I'm working on an all-software APRS/AX.25/AFSK1200 modulator for
AVR.  The output stage is a 1b DAC: 2 resistors and a cap.  It's working,
but the code needs a little bit of cleaning up.
http://github.com/jbm9/ArdPRS .  I haven't started on receive, mostly
because it's not something we're currently using in Project Bacchus.  It
still has a few quirks (I think I know what they are), but you can see it
getting into an IGate at http://aprs.fi/?call=kj6anm-11

AFSK1200 is trivial enough that there really ought to be a totally open/Free
modem/TNC by now.  I like Scott and his products, and appreciate his work
(especially his excellent theory of operation documentation!), but it's time
for the community to move past that.
Josh Myer 650.248.3796
 josh at joshisanerd.com
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