[Noisebridge-discuss] tips on dealing with schizophreniform sufferers

travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org
Thu Aug 12 17:51:21 UTC 2010

My $0.02, based on personal experience (three friends with schizo
disorders); probably best to just leave it be, don't get involved,
definitely don't pretend to be roommate :-)

Incoherent speech, or "word salad", is pretty common.  If you're sharp
enough, and know them well enough, you can sometimes follow the jumps
which are so obvious to them that they leave them out.  Getting them
to try and explain themselves usually doesn't work - the explanations
are just as spotty as the original.  They don't seem to understand any
problems you're having understanding them.

Sometimes they use words in very idiosyncratic ways - for example,
they might describe a strong emotional reaction as "exhibiting a polar
response".  I ended up nodding and pretending to understand a lot,
which was uncomfortable for me, but at least didn't make anything

Don't ever try and sneak anything by someone who seems paranoid, you
will never, ever fool them.  I'd recommend against calling cops unless
necessary to protect someone; you never know how they'll interpret any
interference.  On the other hand, since so many people seem to want to
meddle in their lives, being generous, kind, and non-interfering can
even lead to their recovery.

Don't be surprised if they misread you.  If they get angry or verbally
go on the offensive, just relax, realize that they're misinterpreting
your words, and try to be as non-threatening as possible.  Sometimes
there's nothing you can do to explain away a misinterpretation; any
attempt will itself be misinterpreted.  Sad, but all you can do is
shrug it off.  Try and avoid getting them wound up; they're usually
operating on an adrenaline high.  Alcohol, MJ and stimulants: bad

And, though this is probably not necessary to say in a liberal city
like SF, try to remember the person wasn't born with it, didn't ask
for it, and usually did nothing to cause it.  They were once just like
you, and would trade places with you in a heartbeat.  They can also be
highly intelligent, like Nash, and their illnesses themselves can
be fascinating as well as tragic.

For my particular thoughts on paranoia and schizophrenia, see:

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