[Noisebridge-discuss] Flattr micropayment system - possible revenue for Noisebridge?

travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org
Mon Aug 16 21:38:11 UTC 2010

Why not set up a Paypal donation page?

I have one you can copy here:


It took all of 5 minutes, and they take less % than Flattr.

Regarding fraud, Paypal has a pretty reasonable policy; if it's not a
"he said, she said" case, then they'll make you whole.

Flattr is going to run into some problems with network effects - it's
not a useful system until enough people are using it.  Paypal overcame
this hurdle by targeting Ebay, and then getting acquired by Ebay.

Disclaimer: I used to work for Paypal and still own stock.
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