[Noisebridge-discuss] DIY Scanning Tunneling Microscope

travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org
Thu Aug 19 05:02:51 UTC 2010

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 09:50:32AM -0700, Jonathan Foote wrote:
> Uses a cheap piezo transducer for the motion head. Doesn't look that hard!
> http://www.chemhacker.com/tags/scanning-tunneling-electron-microscope/
> Anyone think of a good application for atomic-resolution microscopy?

Magnetic force imaging of hard disks.
Detecting electromigration in solid-state storage

Follow the link to my book from my homepage below, and then to "data
remanence", for details.

I have a standing bet that I can with with Garfinkel if I can get proof
you can get the data off an overwritten track of a HDD.

I've seen images of the track flanges on either side after an overwrite,
so I know it can be done.
A Weapon of Mass Construction
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