[Noisebridge-discuss] DIY Scanning Tunneling Microscope

travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org travis+ml-noisebridge at subspacefield.org
Thu Aug 19 13:55:23 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 10:11:23PM -0700, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> I think this is a pretty doubtful possibility with modern disks.
> MFM is often tossed around after Peter Gutmann's articles[0][1] but I'd
> love to see a recent study on the topic. Hard drive technology is pretty
> different today; the old stuff is pretty obviously vulnerable to the
> Gutmann issues...

Yes, well, the argument is that Peter was just speculating in the
first place.  He later kinda backs off his original arguments.

And now people who say it can't be done argue with people who say it
can, so what we really need is someone to actually try it and print
results, because all we've had since Peter's paper is simple
assertions with no real substance.

I had some pictures of it at a website called "Nanotheater", but they
disappeared from the 'net.  Bonus points to anyone who can find them.

I showed them to Garfinkel, who claimed that he had spoken with the
authors who said they "weren't what I thought they were", and they
disappeared.  It was a really weird experience, and his explanations
were totally unsatisfying.

Be sure to share your results widely pre-publication, so that if the
men in black come, you aren't the only person in possession of the
results, and that none of you alone could stop publication - maybe
publish to the Eternity Service.  They can actually apply the
Invention Secrecy Act to gag you, but it has been successfully fought
in cases like the Phasorphone, etc.
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