[Noisebridge-discuss] Meeting notes 2010-12-07

Michael C. Toren mct at toren.net
Wed Dec 8 09:50:10 UTC 2010

Moderator Kelly, notetaker MCT.

Frantisek is sadly departing, but Rikka will be taking over Tasebridge
with weekly cooking classes starting in January.  (Rikka, please forgive
me if I misspelled your name.)  Additionally, on Wednesday nights there
will be brewing and culturing things happening, including making beer with
alternative hops.

Treasurer's report:  Currently $11,527 in the bank, but we haven't paid
rent this month yet.  This represents a small increase in the amount we
had at approximately the same time last month, but we're still behind our
goal of having three months of expenses in the bank.  Kelly and her
helpers have been going through the membership roster and contacting
everyone; as a result, both the number of people official on hiatus (i.e.,
not paying) and the number of people actively paying dues have gone up.
Previously, of the ~60 members not on hiatus, only ~30 were paying dues.
Now it's ~45.  Hopefully in a few weeks everyone will have been contacted
and placed on either the official hiatus list, or the list of members
actively paying dues.  It's awesome to have this degree of record keeping
again, which we haven't had in a while.

Other financial items:  We're trying to separate out the money we take in
from t-shirt sales, beverages, and donations.  If you need to take money
from a donation bin to buy something for the space (e.g., toilet paper),
that's awesome, but please send mail to treasurer about it, and also leave
a note in the bin documenting the money you removed so we can account for
it properly.

We're still doing the Sponsor-A-Day-of-Noisebridge, and there are a bunch
of days in December up for sponsorship.  It takes approximately 60 *full*
paying members to run the space ($5000/$80 == 62.5), which we don't have
right now, so sponsorship is one way to keep us going.  You can signup for
a day at <https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/SponsorADay>.

If you've made a donation to the space and you need a receipt for tax
purposes, please contact the treasurer.

There was a brief discussion about formalizing the process of sponsoring
another member's dues, and how involved the Noisebridge organization needs
to be in such an arrangement.  Kelly points out that she'd like to know,
only so she can account for it properly, and she may be adding PayPal
links on the wiki to make it easier.

Membership binder:  Carl is up for membership.  Signatures are from
someone who is illegible, and from Leif.  No one objects.  Carl is a

Discussion items:

Jesus wanted to ask Andy what transpired with Sai and the press@ alias.
Andy stated that everyone seemed to agree Sai should not be on the press
alias, but that no one was willing to make a decision about it, so he
stepped up removed him.  Jesus is satisfied with this answer, and the
discussion ends quickly.

Other items/announcements:

Mike: Dishes are piling up in the kitchen. Proposed solution is to have
individual dishes, rather than communal dishes.  Kelly suggests bringing
this up as an announced discussion item for the next meeting.

Mike: To address the issue of people sleeping in the space, suggests
removing the couches and replacing them with more chairs.

Seth: Came to the meeting late, but would like to reiterate thanks to
Frantisek for all of his many contributions to Noisebridge!  Thanks,
Frantisek, and good luck in your travels!

Crutcher:  The elevator solution doesn't seem to be working.  Frequently
the elevator doesn't come, even when the doors are closed upstairs, and
the FRS radio has been missing (possibly stolen) for a while now.  This
is personally an issue for him because he's currently in a leg brace
following surgery, and although it is possible for him to climb stairs
with some difficulty, it would certainly be impossible for someone
confined to a wheelchair.  Is anyone interested in working on a better
elevator solution?

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