[Noisebridge-discuss] Sleeping in the Space AND Death and Taxes

Rigel Christian rigelc at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 17:38:21 UTC 2010

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Al Jigen Billings
<albill at openbuddha.com> wrote:
> Jake, some people don't want to talk to every person sleeping in order to find out *why* they are doing so. They simply want them not to do it, class distinctions or not. I find it amazingly stupid that y'all spent a month of arguing at great length about this recently and yet here it is again. Is it a hackerspace or a hippie crashpad, people?

In all seriousness, this is so much horseshit. Seriously, if you could
get this kind of compression ratio on actual data you'd be a

You are in essence saying here "although I'm not too busy hacking to
be irritated by people who will not comport with my idea of the rules,
I am too busy to show empathy or concern for a fellow human being, and
so will instead hide behind those rules in order to criticize these
People Doing Things I Dislike. Furthermore, I will dismiss out of hand
a concern that some have brought up as relevant without first showing
that it is irrelevant or at least ignorable in the broader scheme of

Theres a few more embedded assumptions and values there, but I dont
have time to type them all up, frankly. I'm hacking my food at the


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