[Noisebridge-discuss] ARMduino: A 72 MHz ARM based implementation of the Arduino physical computing platform.

Lamont Lucas lamont at cluepon.com
Sat Jan 2 20:12:26 UTC 2010

Jason Dusek wrote:
>   This will only do half the job of making it easy to write real-time
>   software for ARM. Without a real-time OS, how will you handle
>   scheduling and concurrent access?

Maybe FreeRTOS is what you're looking for?  I note that it has a 
standardized interface for "Queues, binary semaphores, counting 
semaphores, recursive semaphores and mutexes for communication and 
synchronisation between tasks, or between tasks and interrupt." which is 
theoretically identical across the 23 microcontroller platforms that 
FreeRTOS works on.


The LuminaryMicro line of Cortex-M3 chips is the ARM setup I'm most 
familiar with, and while they can also run FreeRTOS, they also have some 
impressive brushless/sensorless motor control applications that take 
advantage of the deterministic nature of their nested vector interrupt 

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