[Noisebridge-discuss] seeking geek advice: firefox+vimerator or chrom?

Jonathan Lassoff jof at thejof.com
Sun Jan 3 03:47:36 UTC 2010

Excerpts from Michael Shiloh's message of Sat Jan 02 18:12:27 -0800 2010:
> I have a geek dilemma, and I my usual sources of advice won't understand 
> the geek nuances present, so I'm turning to you.
> I finally got tired of Firefox crashing or hogging all memory and CPU 
> and forcing me to kill it, so I tried Chrome. I've been using it for 
> about a week and I love it.
> Today I discovered Vimperator, a plugin for Firefox which provides 
> vi-like navigation and browsing. Apart from being wonderfully geeky, it 
> allows me to do everything browser related without removing my hands 
> from the keyboard. After 30 some years of using vi, I'm pretty quick 
> with it.

I'm a regular Vimperator user, and I've really enjoyed it. Sadly,
Firefox is still somewhat lacking in the memory management department
(granted, I have a habit of opening too many tabs).

Another browser that's sort of similar is "uzbl". It's a libwebkit-based
browser that also implements a lot of anti-mouse shortcuts like
vimperator, but is also very much UNIX-like in that the program on its
own is just the document window. Implementing tabs, for example, is
don't externally by layering document windows.

Cute idea, but I couldn't reliably get the libraries lined up under
Debian Stable, so I've yet to really dive into it.


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