[Noisebridge-discuss] eZ430 Chronos

Mikolaj Habryn dichro at rcpt.to
Sun Mar 14 09:03:21 UTC 2010

Anyone else get the eZ430 Chronos dev kit? I finally started playing
with it this evening, and find it neat, but want more nodes to try
building a secure mesh networking stack on (when you only have 1k of
flash*, you can only have at most 1024 bugs to find in your code,
right?). I also have vague ideas for smart-dust-style devices to
build, but find the idea of soldering tiny 0.5mm pitch devices into
quarter-inch-diameter enclosures faintly daunting, and would rather
attempt it in company, preferably with beer. Anyone up for a hack


*: Poetic license - the watch actually has 32k of flash.

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