[Noisebridge-discuss] [dorkbotsf-blabber] google war driving

Andy Isaacson adi at hexapodia.org
Sun May 2 04:57:43 UTC 2010

On Sat, May 01, 2010 at 09:45:00PM -0700, Ian Atha wrote:
> information regarding cell towers along with queries. Reliable sources
> claim that such a database exists and it successfully managed to
> correlate cell towers to locations. (If everybody who's in tower-A,
> tower-B and tower-C searches directions from 18th & Guerrero to X,
> then said towers must cover 18th & Guerrero.)

Um, the FCC maintains a public database of (some?) cell tower physical
locations, the carriers are happy to sell value-added geolocation
information to information brokers, and it's even more trivial for the
streetview cars to collect tower IDs than to collect wifi MACs.  Trying
to reverse the mapping as you suggest seems silly.


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