[Noisebridge-discuss] Voting experiment.

Leif Ryge leif at synthesize.us
Thu Sep 9 19:52:59 UTC 2010

On 09/09/2010 12:07 AM, Albert Sweigart wrote:
> Voting with these ballots would be optional, but the more people who
> participate the more accurate this poll would be. Ballots (like
> participation in consensus) would only be for members in good standing
> who are attending the meeting.

Participation in consensus is very much _not_ limited to members 
attending meetings. Some members have other things to do on Tuesday 
nights, and never attend meetings. Part of the purpose of taking a week 
minimum to discuss all consensus decisions is to allow members who can't 
make it to a meeting to hear about it. Many of us are willing to voice 
absent members' concerns during meetings, even if we do not share them, 
because claiming that there is consensus about a given decision when it 
is well known that absent members are opposed to it would be totally 
failing to be excellent to those members.


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