[Noisebridge-discuss] Philosophy and Computer Language Question

Caleb Grayson calebgrayson at gmail.com
Sun Dec 25 02:35:56 UTC 2011

lo all,

i’m working on a Philosophy paper regarding astrology, Whitehead’s Process Philosophy, and the simulation of reality in computer languages. 

would anyone have a source they can direct me to where i can get an idea of how reality is simulated in computer languages?  Process Philosophy states at there are no substantive objects, but that all ‘things’ are functions that process experience into results that become ‘mortal’ in the Creative Advance of time•space.  this is very similar from my recollection of event driven applications.  

my particular interest is how simulations handle events in time and space.  how does a simulation taken multiple input from multiple functions or users and align them in time•space.  what would those functions look like?  

trying to finish up the semester for X-Mas,

merriment to all,


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