[Noisebridge-discuss] Exploitable statistical vulnerability in scratchoff lottery tickets

Sai sai at saizai.com
Wed Feb 2 05:48:02 UTC 2011

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 23:32, Andrew Cantino <cantino at gmail.com> wrote:
> Awesome project, how can I help?

Right now mainly just what I said:
> a) scans/pics of new types of instant scratch-off games
- preferably we should have a high res scan of the front and back of
at least one sample of each game, both before and after scratchoff
- these should probably be committed to the repo rather than done by
email; I've added the ones in the article as demo (in

> b) conversions of those pics to forms people can quickly fill out

Once we have a couple games' worth of forms wired up I'll make the
site live. I can do all the wiring up pretty easy, I just want other
people to please do the frontend 'cause I'm really slow at it.

Also if you have good ideas for how to db-model lotto tickets, LMK (or
better, commit a migration). Right now it's dead stupid for rapid
bootstrapping purposes:

1. game name:string
2. ticket game_id:integer zip:integer serial:string cost:integer
win:integer data:binary

Later on we'll need crypto/math/etc geeks to crunch all the data and
see if there's some sort of info gain from visible data that allows
for better than intended win odds, but first we need the site
collecting that data. :)

I'll give commit on the github repo to whoever wants it, on the "trust
first, revoke if you do something stupid" model. :-P Just email me
your github u/n.

I'm setting up deploy on the server now, email me your ssh pubkey if
you want access.

- Sai

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