[Noisebridge-discuss] Laser Cutter

Josh Myer josh at joshisanerd.com
Sun Jan 9 18:28:00 UTC 2011

On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 1:57 AM, Corey McGuire <coreyfro at coreyfro.com> wrote:

> Lets have a meeting on this.  I have some insight from working at techshop
> on this, namely what kinds of terms we can have with vendors and why its
> important.
I'd be interested to hear what you've learned; my experience working with
the local Epilog vendor were very positive, but it seemed like they weren't
going to go out of their way for a smaller client.

We don't really have the resources to do much more than the bare minimum
here, which is still enough to do interesting things (up to and including
burning down Noisebridge).

I'm down for $100, if only to make people stop talking about how NB Needs A
Laser Cutter ZOMG.
Josh Myer 415.230.9791 <-- NOTE: New number!
 josh at joshisanerd.com
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